Evolution of Aviation Training with Simulators

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How Has Aviation Training Evolved with Simulators?

For over a century, the dream of flight has captivated humanity. But for those who take the leap to become pilots, the journey from aspiring aviator to skilled professional requires rigorous training. Traditionally, this training involved countless hours in actual aircraft, mastering the art of flying through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. However, the landscape of pilot training has undergone a revolutionary transformation in recent years, thanks to the introduction and advancement of flight simulators.

A Glimpse into the World of Flight Simulators

Flight simulator training has become an essential component of modern pilot training programmes. These sophisticated computer programmes replicate the experience of flying an aircraft, offering a safe and controlled environment for pilots to hone their skills. Imagine stepping into a replica of a modern cockpit, complete with instrument panels, flight controls, and high-definition visual displays.  Aircraft simulator training allows pilots to interact with this realistic environment, practising various manoeuvres, procedures, and emergency situations without ever leaving the ground.

Safety and Efficiency: The Hallmarks of Simulator Training

The integration of flight simulators into pilot training has demonstrably enhanced both safety and efficiency. Traditionally, practising emergency procedures in real aircraft posed a significant risk. Now, pilots can encounter simulated engine failures, in-flight emergencies, and other critical scenarios within the safe confines of a simulator. This allows them to develop essential muscle memory and decision-making skills without jeopardising lives or equipment.

Scenario-Based Training: Preparing for the Unexpected

Pilot simulator training excels at facilitating scenario-based training. Pilots can be presented with a wide range of situations, from instrument malfunctions and extreme weather conditions to bird strikes and runway incursions. By practising these scenarios in a simulated environment, pilots can develop a deeper understanding of how to react calmly and effectively under pressure. This comprehensive training translates into greater preparedness for real-world challenges.

Advantages of Simulators over Traditional Methods

While traditional flight training remains crucial, flight simulators offer several distinct advantages:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Real aircraft operation involves significant fuel costs, aircraft maintenance, and instructor time. Simulators significantly reduce these expenses, making pilot training more accessible.
  • Environmental Impact: By minimising airborne training hours, simulators contribute to a smaller carbon footprint for the aviation industry.
  • Standardisation: Simulators ensure a consistent training experience for all pilots, regardless of location or weather conditions.
  • Repetition and Refinement: Simulators allow pilots to meticulously practice manoeuvres and procedures until they are mastered, fostering a high level of proficiency.

The Landscape of Flight Simulators:

There are two primary types of simulators used in aircraft simulator training today:

  • Fixed-Base Training Devices (FBTDs): These are the most common type, offering a realistic cockpit environment with visuals displayed on a screen. FBTDs primarily focus on instrument training and procedure development.
  • Full-Motion Simulators (FMSs): These advanced simulators not only replicate the cockpit environment but also include motion platforms that realistically simulate the physical sensations of flight, such as acceleration, turbulence, and g-forces. This provides a more immersive training experience, particularly beneficial for practising emergency manoeuvres.

The Future of Flight Simulation

The world of flight simulators is constantly evolving. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies are being explored to create even more immersive and realistic training environments. These advancements hold the potential to further revolutionize pilot training, making it even more effective and engaging.

Conclusion: Soaring Towards a Brighter Future

The integration of flight simulators has undoubtedly transformed pilot training. By providing a safe, efficient, and realistic training environment, simulators empower pilots to develop the skills and confidence necessary for a successful career in aviation. As technology continues to advance, flight simulator training will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of safe and efficient air travel.

Waiting for Your Aviation Dreams to Take Flight?

At Insight Aviation, we understand the importance of comprehensive and effective pilot training. Our programme incorporates state-of-the-art flight simulators alongside experienced instructors to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to soar towards a fulfilling career in aviation.

Contact Insight Aviation today to learn more about our IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme!

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How to Choose the Right Flying Training Organisation (FTO) Among IndiGo’s Cadet Pilot Training Partners?

The thrill of soaring through the skies as a commercial airline pilot is an aspiration for many in India. If you’ve set your sights on this rewarding career path, the journey begins with selecting the ideal Flight Training Organization (FTO). IndiGo, a leading Indian airline, partners with several reputable FTOs to offer their renowned IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme. This blog post will guide you through the key considerations to ensure you choose the FTO that perfectly aligns with your aspirations and empowers you to take flight with confidence.

Charting Your Course: Understanding Your Needs 

Before embarking on your FTO selection quest, take a moment for self-reflection. Identify your learning style, budget constraints, and long-term career goals. Do you thrive in a structured, integrated programme offering a seamless blend of theoretical knowledge and practical flight experience? Or are you drawn to a more modular approach that allows you to progress at your own pace? Perhaps you have a specific aircraft type in mind for your future career with IndiGo. A clear understanding of your preferences will guide your FTO selection process and ensure you find the programme that best prepares you for a successful IndiGo pilot career.

Navigating the Options: Key Considerations for Choosing an FTO

Now, let’s delve into the critical factors to evaluate when comparing IndiGo’s FTO partners:

  • Unmatched Reputation and Experience: Seek an FTO with a long-standing reputation for excellence. A team of seasoned instructors who have successfully trained generations of future airline pilots is invaluable. Look for an FTO that prioritises safety, quality, and a proven track record of accomplishment.
  • Training Philosophy Tailored for Success: Inquire about the FTO’s training philosophy and methodology. Does it emphasise a balanced approach that combines theoretical knowledge with practical flight experience? Does their approach resonate with your learning style and preferences? Finding an FTO whose training philosophy aligns with your needs is essential for optimal learning and skill development.
  • Modern Fleet and Advanced Facilities: Modern, well-maintained aircraft and advanced training facilities are crucial for a comprehensive learning experience. Investigate the types of aircraft used in the programme and the availability of flight simulators for realistic training scenarios. A modern fleet ensures you’ll be comfortable and proficient in operating the latest aircraft technologies.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: A positive and encouraging learning environment fosters optimal growth and development. Consider factors like class sizes, student support services, and opportunities for interaction with fellow trainees and instructors. Look for an FTO that prioritises a supportive and collaborative atmosphere where you can learn, grow, and thrive.

Beyond the Brochure: Unveiling the True Picture 

While FTO brochures and websites offer a basic overview, go beyond the surface to get a more complete picture. Here’s how to be proactive:

  • Schedule FTO Visits: Arrange visits to the FTOs you’re considering. This allows you to observe their facilities firsthand, meet instructors, and experience the training environment. Ask questions and get a feel for the overall culture and atmosphere.
  • Connect with Alumni: Reach out to former trainees of the FTOs. Their insights can provide valuable perspectives on the program’s strengths and weaknesses, offering real-world experiences you won’t find in brochures.
  • Online Research and Reviews: Read online reviews and participate in aviation forums (with a critical eye). While these can offer valuable insights, remember to filter out subjective opinions and focus on factual information about pilot training costs in India and program structures.

Taking Flight with Confidence: 43 Air School in Partnered with  Insight Aviation 

Having explored the key selection criteria, let’s introduce you to 43 Air School, the premier FTO partner of Insight Aviation for the IndiGo cadet pilot program. Located in the picturesque coastal town of Port Alfred, South Africa, 43 Air School boasts a rich history of excellence in pilot training. Here’s why 43 Air School stands out:

  • World-Class Training with a Proven Track Record: 43 Air School has successfully trained over 6,000 pilots, a testament to their commitment to quality and effectiveness. Their experienced instructors and industry-leading curriculum ensure you receive the best possible training.
  • Modern Fleet and Advanced Facilities: 43 Air School boasts a fleet of over 70 fixed-wing aircraft, ranging from single and multi-piston engine trainers to single and multi-turbine engine aircraft. This comprehensive fleet allows you to gain experience with various aircraft types, preparing you for a successful career with IndiGo. Additionally, their advanced facilities include numerous fixed-base simulators, from entry to advanced levels, culminating in an A320 simulator, which is the workhorse of IndiGo’s fleet. This focus on technology ensures you’ll be comfortable and proficient in operating the latest aviation technologies.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: 43 Air School fosters a positive and encouraging learning environment. With a dedicated campus offering on-site accommodation, students benefit from a secure and productive learning atmosphere. The campus includes amenities like sports facilities, a swimming pool, a recreation centre, and a well-stocked pilot shop catering to your overall well-being and needs. Class sizes are designed to ensure personalised attention from instructors, and student support services are readily available to guide you throughout your training journey.

By choosing 43 Air School partnered with Insight Aviation for the IndiGo cadet pilot program, you’re investing in your future success. Their commitment to excellence, world-class training, modern facilities, and supportive learning environment will equip you with the skills and knowledge to confidently take flight in your dream career with IndiGo.

Taking the Next Step 

Contact IndiGo or Insight Aviation today to learn more about the cadet pilot program and how 43 Air School can be your launchpad to a rewarding career as a commercial airline pilot. Remember, choosing the right FTO is a crucial first step. With Insight Aviation 43 Air School, you’ll be well on your way to soaring through the skies and fulfilling your aspirations as an IndiGo pilot.

Start Your Flying Journey Now


Q. Can I get support from IndiGo while training with an FTO?

A. While the extent of support may vary, IndiGo likely offers resources and guidance to program participants. Contact IndiGo directly to learn more about the specific support available to cadets enrolled with their partner FTOs.

Q. How can I avoid common mistakes when choosing an FTO for pilot training?

A. Thorough research is key! Don’t rely solely on brochures or online reviews. Schedule FTO visits, connect with alumni, and compare program structures and costs (remembering specific fees cannot be disclosed due to privacy guidelines). The cheapest option might not always be the best, so prioritise quality training and a supportive environment that aligns with your learning style and goals.

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What is Ground Training in Airline Pilot Preparation?

Soaring through the skies as a commercial airline pilot – it’s a captivating career path that demands not only a passion for flight, but also a solid foundation in aeronautical knowledge and practical skills. Pilot training serves as the launchpad for this incredible journey, and within it lies the crucial first step: ground training.

Think of ground training as the classroom phase, where you’ll delve into the theoretical aspects of aviation. This immersive learning experience typically lasts for several months and equips you with the knowledge and understanding necessary to excel in commercial pilot training.

Here at Insight Aviation, we offer a comprehensive ground training programme designed to prepare you for the challenges and rewards of a career as an airline pilot.

Building the Core: Essential Aviation Knowledge

The initial phase of ground training focuses on establishing a strong foundation in core aviation principles. This intensive period equips you with the knowledge needed to understand the complexities of flight. Here are some of the key subjects you’ll encounter:

  • Aerodynamics: Master the principles of flight, including lift, drag, thrust, and weight. Learn how different aircraft designs affect performance and how to control the aircraft effectively during flight.
  • Aircraft Systems: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the various systems and components of an aircraft, including engines, avionics, navigation systems, flight controls, and electrical systems. This in-depth knowledge is essential for safe and efficient aircraft operation.
  • Meteorology: Study weather patterns, meteorological phenomena, and their impact on flight operations. Learn how to interpret weather reports and forecasts, identify various cloud formations and precipitation types, and analyse wind patterns to make informed decisions for safe flight. Understanding weather is crucial for commercial pilot training as pilots need to make critical decisions based on weather conditions.
  • Navigation: Learn how to plan and execute flight routes using traditional paper charts, understand the symbols and markings on those charts, and utilise sophisticated instruments like the compass and GPS to determine your location and track.  CPL ground classes, offered as part of our programme, delve deeper into advanced navigation techniques, preparing you for the complexities of navigating airspace.
  • Air Traffic Control (ATC) Procedures: Understand different types of airspace and the critical role ATC plays in ensuring safe and efficient air traffic flow. Ground training equips you with the knowledge and skills to communicate clearly with ATC using specific phrases and procedures.

Refining Your Skills: Advanced Aviation Knowledge

Once you’ve established a solid foundation, ground training progresses to honing your knowledge and introducing specialised subjects that further prepare you for the challenges of commercial flight. This phase focuses on an in-depth exploration of various aviation topics, including:

  • Flight Performance and Planning: Sharpen your skills in calculating takeoff and landing performance, considering factors like weight, runway length, and weather conditions. Furthermore, you’ll delve deeper into flight planning strategies, ensuring optimal routes and fuel efficiency – a vital skill for cost-conscious airlines.
  • Human Factors in Aviation: Explore the crucial role human factors play in aviation safety. This module sheds light on how fatigue, stress, and decision-making can impact pilot performance and equips you with strategies to mitigate these risks.
  • Air Law: CPL ground classes place a strong emphasis on regulations. Ground training further solidifies your understanding of aviation regulations with a focus on commercial airline operations. This ensures you are well-versed in the legal framework governing your future career.
  • Instruments: Master the art of instrument flight procedures. Learn to rely on aircraft instruments for navigation and maintain situational awareness in low-visibility conditions, a skill essential for commercial pilot training.

The Learning Experience: Beyond Textbooks

Ground training programme utilises a variety of resources to deliver information and facilitate learning. Here’s a glimpse into what you might encounter at https://www.insightflyer.com/

  • Textbooks and aviation manuals: These provide in-depth coverage of theoretical concepts and aviation regulations.
  • Computer-based training modules (CBTs): Interactive CBTs can enhance learning through engaging multimedia presentations and quizzes.
  • Classroom lectures: Experienced instructors deliver comprehensive lectures, fostering a dynamic learning environment where you can ask questions and clarify doubts.

Developing Essential Skills for Lifelong Learning 

Ground training isn’t just about acquiring knowledge to pass exams; it’s about building a foundation for continuous learning throughout your flying career. We focus on nurturing the following key skills in our students:

  • Problem-solving: Aviation scenarios can present unexpected challenges.  Ground training equips you with the analytical skills to assess situations, identify potential problems, and make sound decisions.
  • Critical thinking: Effective pilots need to think critically under pressure. Our programme fosters critical thinking skills that enable you to analyse information, evaluate risks, and make informed choices in dynamic situations.
  • Decision-making: From navigating complex airspace to handling emergencies, pilots are constantly making decisions.  Ground training provides opportunities to practice decision-making in simulated scenarios, enhancing your ability to make quick and effective choices in real-world flight operations.
  • Communication: Clear and concise communication is paramount in aviation. We emphasise the importance of effective communication throughout ground training, ensuring you can communicate confidently with ATC, crew members, and other pilots.
  • Time management: Pilots need to manage their time efficiently to ensure safe and on-schedule flights.  Ground training helps you develop strong time management skills, preparing you for the demands of a commercial airline pilot’s schedule.

Benefits Beyond the Cockpit

The skills you gain through ground training are valuable in the cockpit and in everyday life. Here are some additional benefits you’ll reap:

  • Enhanced discipline:  Ground training instils a sense of discipline and focus, valuable traits that can benefit you in any profession.
  • Improved teamwork: Effective communication and collaboration are crucial for successful pilot teams.  Ground training fosters teamwork skills that will translate well to working with other pilots and crew members.
  • Increased self-confidence: As you master the complexities of aviation, your confidence will naturally grow. Ground training provides a strong foundation of knowledge and skills, empowering you to navigate the skies with self-assurance.

The Investment in Your Future: Cost of Ground Training in India

The cost of ground training in India can vary depending on the specific programme, its duration, and the training provider you choose. Here at Insight Aviation, we offer competitive rates for our comprehensive programme. We believe in providing aspiring pilots with high-quality training at an accessible cost. Contact us today to discuss the specific costs associated with our programme and explore potential financing options.

Finding the Perfect Fit: Ground Training Programmes in India

With the growing demand for qualified airline pilots in India, numerous aviation schools offer ground training programs. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a programme:

  • Curriculum: Ensure the programme covers all the essential subjects required for the commercial pilot license (CPL) exams and aligns with your career goals. Look for programmes that include practical components like radio communication exercises.
  • Instructor Qualifications: Choose a programme with experienced and qualified instructors who are passionate about aviation and committed to student success.
  • Location and Facilities: Consider the programme’s location and accessibility. Modern facilities can enhance your learning experience.

Insight Aviation: Your Gateway to a Successful Aviation Career

At Insight Aviation, we are dedicated to providing aspiring pilots with the ground training they need to excel in their careers. Our comprehensive programme combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience, equipping you with the skills and confidence to thrive in the exciting world of commercial aviation. Contact Insight Aviation today to learn more about our ground training programme and take the first step towards fulfilling your dream of soaring through the skies.

Start Your Flying Journey Now

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How to Become a Pilot after 12th in India: A Step-by-Step Guide

Dreaming of soaring through the skies and commanding an aircraft? Becoming a pilot is a thrilling and rewarding career choice that many aspire to. In India, the journey to the cockpit can be straightforward if you know the steps involved. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process of how to become a pilot in India after 12th.

Step 1: Meet the Eligibility Criteria 

Before you can embark on your journey to become a pilot, you need to ensure you meet the basic eligibility criteria:

  • Age: You must be at least 17 years old.
  • What to study to become a pilot after 12th: You must have completed 10+2 with Physics, Mathematics, and English from a recognised board. A minimum of 51% marks in these subjects is required.
  • Medical Fitness: You need to obtain a Class 2 medical certificate from a Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)-approved medical examiner. Later, you’ll need a Class 1 medical certificate for advanced training and licensing.

Step 2: Acquiring a Computer Number

The first step towards becoming a pilot is obtaining a DGCA computer number from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). This number is essential for all aspiring airline pilots in India. The application process is straightforward and can be completed by filling out the form available on platforms like DGCA Pariksha or the DGCA website.

Step 3: Choose the Right Pathway

There are primarily two pathways to becoming a pilot in India: Civil Aviation (Commercial Pilot) and Indian Air Force (Military Pilot).

Civil Aviation Pathway

  1. Student Pilot License (SPL): The first step is to obtain an SPL. This involves passing a written examination on subjects such as Air Regulations, Aviation Meteorology, Air Navigation, and Aircraft and Engines.
  2. Private Pilot License (PPL): After obtaining the SPL, you can start flying under the supervision of a flight instructor to accumulate flying hours. You need a minimum of 40 flying hours to apply for a PPL.
  3. Commercial Pilot License (CPL): With a PPL, you can then train for a commercial pilot license, which requires at least 200 flying hours, including cross-country flying, instrument flying, and night flying.

Indian Air Force Pathway

  1. National Defence Academy (NDA): You can apply for the NDA exam conducted by the UPSC. Upon clearing the exam and subsequent SSB interview, you can join the Air Force Academy.
  2. Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT): Graduates can take the AFCAT to join the Indian Air Force. Successful candidates undergo rigorous training at the Air Force Academy.

Step 4: Complete Ground Training

Becoming a commercial pilot begins with comprehensive ground training. The ground school provides the crucial theoretical knowledge that underpins the practical skills needed for flying and prepares aspiring pilots for the rigorous training ahead. Subjects include:

  • Air Navigation
  • Meteorology
  • Air Regulations and Human Performance
  • Aircraft Technical and Engine 
  • Radio Telephonic Communication

Step 5: Select a Reputable Flight School

Choosing the right flight school is crucial for your training. Consider the following factors before joining a pilot course after 12th:

  • Fleet and Facilities: Check the quality of aircraft and training facilities.
  • Instructor Experience: Experienced instructors can provide better guidance and training.
  • Placement Records: Schools with good placement records can enhance your job prospects.

Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme is a reputable pilot training program that offers comprehensive commercial pilot training. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, cadets learn to navigate flight controls, master takeoffs and landings, and develop essential piloting skills.

Step 6: Accumulate Flying Hours 

Practical flying training is a significant part of pilot training. Flight training progresses through various stages, starting with basic manoeuvres such as straight and level flight, climbs, descents, and turns. As students gain proficiency, they move on to more advanced manoeuvres, instrument flying, navigation exercises, and emergency procedures. Each flight brings new challenges and opportunities for growth, as aspiring pilots hone their skills and build confidence in the cockpit.

For a CPL, you need to accumulate:

  • 200 Hours Total Flight Time: Including solo and dual flight hours.
  • 100 Hours as Pilot-in-Command (PIC)
  • 20 Hours Cross-Country Flying
  • 10 Hours Instrument Flying
  • 5 Hours Night Flying

Step 7: Clear DGCA Examinations

You must pass a series of examinations conducted by the DGCA covering:

  • Air Navigation
  • Meteorology
  • Technical General
  • Technical Specific (aircraft type)
  • Air Regulations

Step 8: Obtain Your Commercial Pilot License (CPL)

Once you have completed your training and passed the required exams, you can apply for your CPL. This license allows you to work as a commercial pilot in airlines, charter companies, and more.

Step 9: Advanced Training and Type Rating

To enhance employability, consider advanced training and type rating:

  • Type Rating: Training on specific aircraft types such as Airbus A320, Boeing 737, etc.
  • Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC) Training: Prepares you to work in a multi-crew cockpit environment.

Step 10: Apply for Jobs 

With your CPL and necessary ratings, you can start applying for jobs with airlines, charter services, and other aviation companies. Networking, job portals, and recruitment drives by airlines can help you find opportunities. With Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme, IndiGo will recruit you as a Junior First Officer at the end of training. The letter of intent (LOI) issued by IndiGo after the selection process is their commitment to this project. 

Becoming a pilot in India after 12th grade is a structured process involving rigorous training and dedication. By following the steps outlined above, you can make your dream of flying a reality. Join Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme to take your flying journey high above the sky. Remember, the journey requires commitment, but the reward of navigating the skies is well worth the effort. Fly high and safe travels!

Start Your Flying Journey Now


Q. Which entrance exam does a student have to take to become a pilot?

A. To become an Indian Air Force Pilot, the student has to take the NDA or AFCAT exam. To become a commercial pilot, the candidate must undergo FTO, DGCA, and medical exams.

Q. Are 12th marks important for becoming a pilot?

A. Yes, without having 51% in Maths and Physics, candidates are not eligible to become a pilot.

Q. How much percentage is required to become a pilot after the 12th?
A. 51% with Maths, Physics and English subjects are required by an aspiring pilot.

Q. What is the salary of a pilot after the 12th class?

A. The average salary of a pilot after the 12th class is between 22 to 30 LPA.

Q. What are the minimum eligibility requirements for becoming a pilot?

A. You must be at least 17 years old and have 51% in Physics and Maths subjects in your education.

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Importance of fitness in the life of a pilot? Medical checks cadet undergoes during DGCA Class 2 and Class 1?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and proper nutrition, is crucial in a pilot’s journey. Fitness not only strengthens the body but also helps pilots offset the sedentary nature of their jobs and mitigate health risks. This blog will explore the importance of fitness in the life of a pilot and detail the medical checks cadets undergo during DGCA Class 2 and Class 1 assessments, highlighting the rigorous standards and evaluations essential for ensuring pilot’s health and safety in the skies.

What is the Importance of Fitness in the Life of a Pilot?

Fitness is paramount for pilots for several reasons, making it a critical aspect of their professional lives. The physical demands of flying an aircraft, especially during long flights or in adverse weather conditions, require pilots to have sufficient strength, endurance, and flexibility. These attributes are essential for operating controls, maintaining proper posture, and effectively handling emergency situations. Additionally, physical fitness is closely linked to mental acuity, enabling pilots to maintain peak mental performance, make split-second decisions, navigate complex airspace, and communicate efficiently with air traffic control and crew members.

Medical checks cadets undergo during DGCA Class 2 and Class 1? 

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) in India, mandates medical examinations for pilots,  to ensure they meet the required health standards to operate aircraft safely. Here’s an overview of the medical checks typically undergone during DGCA Class 2 and Class 1 medical examinations:

Class 2 Medical Examination

Find the DGCA Class 2 Medical Test List below:-

  1. General Health Assessment: DGCA class 2 medical includes a review of the candidate’s medical history, current health status, and any medications they may be taking.
  2. Body Mass Index (BMI): BMI is used as a screening tool to categorise individuals into different weight ranges that may indicate underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obesity.
  3. Blood Sample Test: Blood Tests are important in diagnosing and monitoring conditions such as infections, inflammation, and immune & blood system disorders. Blood Hb%, TLC blood test, DLC blood test and blood sugar F & PP are conducted to check the WBCs in the bloodstream and blood sugar levels respectively.
  4. Blood Pressure: Regular monitoring of blood pressure is important because high blood pressure (hypertension) can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease.
  5. Vision Test: Cadets must meet specific visual acuity requirements to obtain a Class 2 medical certificate. This typically involves testing for distance and near vision, colour vision, and depth perception.
  6. Hearing Test: Candidates are tested to ensure they meet minimum hearing standards, as good hearing is essential for effective communication in the cockpit.
  7. Cardiovascular Assessment: Electrocardiogram (ECG) tests are conducted to check heart health. It is a non-invasive, quick, and painless procedure that provides critical information about heart health.
  8. Lung Test: A chest X-ray is done to get a clear image of the chest organs, including the heart, lungs, and ribs. It is widely used to diagnose conditions such as pneumonia and other chest abnormalities. 
  9. Urine Analysis: The urine routine examination and microscopic examination are common tests conducted to assess overall kidney health and detect urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney disease, and other conditions. 

Class 1 Medical Examination:

In addition to the above, Class 1 medical examinations involve more comprehensive assessments and include additional tests. Here is the  DGCA Class 1 medical test list:

Full Body Physical Check:

  1. Neurological Assessment: Basic neurological tests are performed to evaluate coordination, reflexes, and other indicators of neurological function.
  2. Pure Tone Audiometry: Pure tone audiometry is a hearing test used to measure an individual’s hearing sensitivity across a range of frequencies. It is essential for diagnosing hearing impairments and planning appropriate interventions, such as hearing aids or other treatments.
  3. Blood Sugar Test: Blood sugar tests are crucial for diagnosing diabetes and prediabetes, allowing for early intervention and management.
  4. Abdomen Ultrasound: It can help diagnose a variety of conditions, such as abdominal pain, swelling, or infections, and is useful for evaluating organ function and detecting abnormalities.

Important Things to Note:

  • DGCA Exam Eligibility: You must complete Class 1 and Class 2 Medical Exams before professional flying.
  • Class 1 Medicals: After obtaining Class 2 medical certification from DGCA, only then can pilots proceed to their Class 1 medicals.
  • Timing: It is recommended to complete both tests before enrolling in a pilot training program. This way, if you are unfit to fly, you can choose a different career path early on.
  • Validity of Class 2 Medicals: The medical tests done in Class 2 are valid for 2 years.
  • Transition to Class 1: Class 1 medicals must be completed within 2 years of taking the Class 2 exam before the Class 2 certification expires.
  • Ongoing Requirements: Pilots must undergo Class 1 exams continuously throughout their pilot career.
  • Renewal of Class 1 Medical Certification: The Class 1 medical certification is valid for one year and must be renewed annually until the pilot reaches 60 years of age.
  • Frequency of Renewal: The renewal period is reduced to six months after 60 years of age. 
  • Where to Renew: Class 1 renewals can be done at any Class 1 medical centre, but initial and re-initial medicals must be conducted exclusively at Indian Air Force Medical Establishments.

Overall, fitness plays a crucial role in the life of a pilot, not only for meeting regulatory requirements but also for ensuring their well-being, the safety of their passengers, and the successful operation of flights. In this blog, we have established the importance of getting Class 2 and Class 1 medical examinations for an aspiring pilot. What are you waiting for? Get your medical tests done and join Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme to fulfil your dream of becoming a pilot.

Start Your Flying Journey Now


Q. What are the key differences between a DGCA Class 2 and Class 1 medical examination for pilots?

A. The DGCA Class 2 exam must be completed first, before taking the DGCA Class 1 exam. The Class 1 medical exam is more comprehensive compared to the Class 2 medical exam.

Q. How often do pilots need to undergo medical checks to maintain their licenses?

A. The cadet has to undergo a Class 2 medical check once in a lifetime,(only if Class 1 is completed within 2 years of taking Class 2), whereas Class 1 has to be done regularly in order to be fit for flying.

Q. Are there any age-related considerations for pilots regarding fitness and medical certification?

A. Yes, Class 1 medical certification is valid for one year and must be renewed annually until the pilot is 60 years of age, the renewal period is reduced to six months after 60 years.

Q. Are there specific weight requirements for pilots to maintain their fitness?

A. Although BMI guidelines are part of general health assessments, there is no specific minimum or maximum weight requirement to become a pilot.

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IndiGo Cadet Pilot Program: Assessment & Selection Process

The IndiGo Cadet Pilot Program features a rigorous assessment and selection process to identify and recruit the most capable candidates for pilot training. This process includes a series of screening tests, medical evaluations, and interviews to ensure that selected candidates possess the necessary skills, abilities, and qualities to succeed as professional pilots. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the phases involved:

Assessment & Selection Process Overview

Applicants will be required to undergo a comprehensive assessment process involving a series of screening tests, medical evaluations, and interviews. The first phase will be conducted by your flight school, Insight Aviation, and the second phase will be with IndiGo.

Phase 1: Competencies & Psychometric Assessment (Insight Aviation)

1. Abilities and Skills Test 

  • Purpose: The test in this pilot cadet program assesses the cognitive abilities, technical skills, and problem-solving capabilities of the candidates.
  • Components:
    • Verbal Reasoning: Evaluates comprehension and language skills, crucial for clear communication and understanding of flight manuals and instructions.
    • Technical Aptitude: Gauges understanding of basic principles of physics and mechanics relevant to aviation, ensuring candidates can grasp how aircraft systems operate.
    • Cognitive Thinking: Measures overall mental processing speed and accuracy, critical for quick thinking and effective decision-making in dynamic flight environments.
    • Analytical Thinking: Evaluates the ability to break down complex problems into manageable parts and develop effective solutions, key for diagnosing and resolving in-flight issues.
    • Decision-Making: Tests the ability to make sound and timely decisions under pressure, it’s vital for ensuring safety and efficiency during flight operations.
    • Hand-Eye Coordination: Assesses the ability to synchronise hand movements with visual inputs, essential for tasks such as operating flight controls and navigating aircraft instruments.
    • Multitasking: Evaluates the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously such as monitoring and controlling various systems and responding to changes during flights.

2. Psychometric Assessment 

  • Purpose: This assessment aims to evaluate the personality traits, behavioural tendencies, and psychological suitability of candidates for the demanding role of a pilot.
  • Components:
    • Personality: Analyzes traits such as leadership, teamwork, stress tolerance, and adaptability.
    • Situational Judgment Tests: Assesses decision-making skills and responses to hypothetical scenarios relevant to aviation.
    • Emotional Intelligence: Measures the ability to understand and manage emotions personally and while interacting with others.

3. Interview and Feedback 

  • Purpose: Provide a deeper understanding of the candidate’s motivations, career aspirations, and suitability for the programme. The Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Program analyses your skills and knowledge in the interview process so candidates should express themselves in this round confidently.
  • Process:
    • Personal Interview: Conducted by trained professionals, focusing on the candidate’s background, experiences, and reasons for wanting to become a pilot.
    • Feedback Session: Candidates receive constructive feedback based on their performance in the tests and interviews, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

Phase 2: Final Selection (IndiGo)

1. Group Activity

  • Purpose: To evaluate the candidate’s teamwork, communication skills, and ability to work collaboratively in group settings.
  • Components:
    • Group Discussions: Candidates are given topics related to aviation or general current affairs and are assessed on their ability to articulate ideas, listen to others, and contribute constructively.
    • Problem-Solving Tasks: Teams are assigned tasks that require collective problem-solving and strategic thinking, showcasing their leadership and cooperative skills.

2. Final Interview 

  • Purpose: To make the final determination on a candidate’s suitability for the IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme.
  • Process:
    • Panel Interview: Conducted by senior executives and experienced pilots from IndiGo. This interview delves into the candidate’s technical knowledge, understanding of the aviation industry, and overall readiness for pilot training.
    • Behavioural Questions: Assess candidates on their past experiences, decision-making processes, and how they handle various challenges.
    • Scenario-Based Questions: Present hypothetical situations to test the candidate’s practical understanding and responses under pressure.

Medical Evaluation

Candidates who pass both phases will undergo a comprehensive medical examination to ensure they meet the physical and medical standards required for pilot training. This includes vision tests, hearing tests, and general health assessments conducted by certified aviation medical examiners.

By undergoing these phases, IndiGo ensures that only the most capable and well-suited candidates are selected for their Cadet Pilot Program, setting a high standard for the future pilots of the airline. Enrol in Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme to start your journey in aviation today!

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Q. How long does the selection process for the IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme typically take?

A. The process of selection for the IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme usually takes 1 month.

Q. What is the written exam for the IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme?

A. The written exam for the IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme includes numeracy test, aptitude test, English language assessment and psychometric test. 

Q. Who is eligible for Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme?

A.  The cadets are eligible between 18 and 32 years of age and must have completed their 10+2 education with a minimum score of 51% or Grade Point 6 or Grade C1 (CBSE) individually in each subject- Physics, Mathematics, and English.

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What is an Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) & How To Get DGCA ATPL?

Dreaming of commanding the skies and steering a commercial airliner to new heights? Your journey towards that goal begins with obtaining a Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) ATPL, the coveted Airline Transport Pilot License. While Insight Aviation doesn’t currently offer a direct ATPL program, we can still be your trusted partner on your path to becoming a successful airline captain. Our comprehensive Commercial Pilot License (CPL) program, a key step in meeting the DGCA ATPL requirements, provides a solid foundation for your aviation career and serves as a crucial stepping stone towards obtaining your ATPL in the future.

Understanding the ATPL 

The Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) stands as the highest level of certification for aircraft pilots, granting them the authority to serve as Pilot in Command (PIC) of commercial aircraft. This credential, often referred to as an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate, is indispensable for those aspiring to lead as Captains in the airline industry.

Requirements for the DGCA ATPL License

DGCA exam eligibility for the ATPL license, as per the DGCA, candidates must fulfil the following ATPL requirements:

  • Age: Be at least 21 years old on the date of application.
  • Educational Qualification: Have passed 10+2 with Physics and Mathematics or an equivalent examination from a recognised Board/University.
  • Medical Fitness: Produce a certificate of physical fitness from an approved Medical Board.
  • Knowledge: Pass a written and oral examination in the subjects prescribed by the Director-General, including Air Regulations, Air Navigation, Avionics (Radio Aids and Instruments), Aviation Meteorology, Aircraft and Engines, and a Signals (Practical) examination.

Qualification for ATPL 

To obtain an ATPL license, candidates must hold an Indian Commercial Pilot License (CPL) or, in the case of Defence Personnel in lieu of CPL, evidence of having completed 500 hours of flying experience, of which 200 Hours should be as Pilot-in-Command.

Other Requirements:

  • Hold a current Commercial or Senior Commercial Pilot’s License (not applicable for pilots from the Armed Forces who meet the other requirements).
  • Possess a current Instrument Rating on multi-engine aircraft.
  • Have a valid Flight Radio Telephone Operator’s License.
  • Skill: Demonstrate competency in the prescribed procedures and manoeuvres on a multi-engine aeroplane within the six months preceding the application.

Path to Obtaining the ATPL License

Obtaining the required 1500 hours of flight experience typically involves one of two paths:

  • Becoming a Flight Instructor: After obtaining a CPL, aspiring pilots can gain further experience and build their flight hours by working as flight instructors. This allows them to earn while they learn and progress towards their ATPL.
  • Working as an Airline Pilot: Pilots with a CPL can join airlines and gradually accumulate flight hours through their work experience. This path offers a direct entry into the airline industry, allowing pilots to gain valuable experience while working towards their ATPL.

Career & Job Prospects

With an ATPL, pilots can explore diverse career opportunities in commercial airlines, cargo planes, charter services, and private aviation sectors. Employment prospects extend beyond India, with global demand for skilled commercial pilots on the rise.


Start your journey to the skies and pursue your ATPL. At Insight Aviation, we understand that obtaining an ATPL is the culmination of a pilot’s aspirations, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Our CPL training program serves as a solid foundation, equipping cadets with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their aviation careers. With a focus on safety, proficiency, and professionalism, we prepare you to navigate the complexities of modern aviation and achieve your dreams of commanding commercial aircraft. Explore the possibilities with Insight Aviation, where your ambitions take flight.

Q. What is the difference between a Commercial Pilot License (CPL) and an Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL)?

A. A Commercial Pilot License (CPL) allows you to fly aircraft for commercial purposes, such as in charter operations or as a flight instructor. However, to be the Pilot in Command (Captain) of a large commercial airliner, you need an Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL). The ATPL is the highest level of pilot certification and requires more experience and additional exams compared to a CPL.

Q. How long does it typically take to obtain an ATPL after getting a CPL?

A. There’s no fixed timeline, as it depends on how quickly you can accumulate the required 1500 hours of flight experience. It generally takes about 3-4 years for an airline pilot to accumulate 1500 hours, but depending on an individual this can take anywhere from a few years to a decade, depending on the chosen career path (flight instructor or airline pilot) and other factors. 

Q.  Can I obtain an ATPL without a college degree?

A. Yes, while a college degree is not mandatory for an ATPL, you do need to fulfil the minimum educational qualification of passing 10+2 with Physics and Mathematics or an equivalent examination from a recognised board/university.

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Journey of Becoming a Commercial Pilot: From Computer Number to IndiGo Employee Code

In a world where the sky is the limit, the dream of becoming a commercial pilot ignites the imagination of many. The allure of commanding a cockpit, navigating through the clouds, and travelling to distant destinations is undeniable. But behind the glamour of the profession lies a journey of perseverance, dedication, and unwavering passion. Let’s take a closer look at the remarkable journey of becoming a commercial pilot.

The Dream Takes Flight

For many aspiring pilots, the dream of flying begins at a young age. Whether inspired by the sight of a passing aeroplane, a family member in aviation, or simply an innate fascination with flight, the seed of ambition is planted early on. As they grow, so does their determination to turn their childhood dream into reality. 

The School Journey

The candidates must have completed their 10+2 education with a minimum score of 51% or Grade Point 6 or Grade C1 (CBSE) individually in each subject- Physics, Mathematics, and English. Those with qualifications from foreign boards or universities must obtain an academic equivalency certificate from AIU (Association of Indian Universities) validating a minimum score of 51% in each subject. NIOS mark sheets and certificates are accepted, provided candidates score at least 51% in Mathematics, Physics, and English. (Applicants may apply based on provisional NIOS mark sheets but must submit the final/original NIOS mark sheet before signing the IndiGo Cadet Pilot Agreement.)

  • The First Step: Acquiring a Computer Number

Obtaining a computer number marks the initial stride towards fulfilling the dream of becoming a pilot. In India, airline pilots are required to possess a DGCA computer number, issued by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Securing this number involves a straightforward process that can be accomplished in a few simple steps. Applicants can fill out the application form available on platforms like DGCA Pariksha or the DGCA website to apply for a computer number.

Process of Getting the Computer Number

  1. Apply online: You can search for the application form of a Computer Number on DGCA Pariksha, DGCA Exam, Pariksha DGCA or DGCA website.
  2. Submit Required Documents: Alongside the application, the pilot must furnish 10th and 12th Passing Certificate, 10th and 12th Board verification certificate, proof of Identity, address proof, a passport-size photograph, and other relevant documents.
  3. Wait for Processing: After the submission of the application, the DGCA undertakes a thorough review of the provided documents, subsequently issuing the computer number.
  4. Receive DGCA Computer Number: The allotted number is dispatched to the pilot via email.
  • The Second Step: Enrol in Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme

Enrol in Insight Aviation’s IndiGo’s Cadet Pilot Programme of Commercial Pilot Training for a successful pilot journey. Enrolling in Insight Aviation’s reputable pilot training program, the aspiring pilots learn to navigate the intricacies of flight controls, master the art of takeoffs and landings, and refine their skills under the guidance of seasoned instructors.’Enrol in Insight Aviation’s IndiGo’s Cadet Pilot Programme of Commercial Pilot Training for a successful pilot journey. Enrolling in Insight Aviation’s reputable pilot training program, the aspiring pilots learn to navigate the intricacies of flight controls, master the art of takeoffs and landings, and refine their skills under the guidance of seasoned instructors.

The Selection Process for Getting into Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme

Applicants will be required to undergo a comprehensive assessment process involving a series of screening tests such as abilities and skill tests, psychometric assessment, group activity, a medical process and an interview process.

  • The Third Step: Commencement of the Training Journey

Ground School: Building the Foundation

The journey to becoming a commercial pilot starts on the ground. Prospective pilots enrol in accredited flight schools or aviation academies to undergo rigorous training. Here, they delve into the fundamentals of aviation theory, studying subjects like aerodynamics, navigation, aircraft systems, meteorology, and aviation regulations. Ground school lays the essential groundwork for understanding the principles of flight, and prepares aspiring pilots for the challenges ahead.

Flight Training: Taking to the Skies

With a solid theoretical foundation in place, aspiring pilots transition from the classroom to the cockpit. Flight training is where dreams truly take flight as students climb aboard training aircraft under the guidance of certified flight instructors. Here, they learn the practical skills to operate an aircraft safely and proficiently.

Flight training progresses through various stages, starting with basic manoeuvres such as straight and level flight, climbs, descents, and turns. As students gain proficiency, they move on to more advanced manoeuvres, instrument flying, navigation exercises, and emergency procedures. Each flight brings new challenges and opportunities for growth, as aspiring pilots hone their skills and build confidence in the cockpit.

The Path to Certification

The pinnacle of the journey to becoming a commercial pilot is obtaining the necessary certifications and licenses. To qualify for a CPL or ATPL, pilots must meet stringent requirements set by aviation authorities, including minimum flight experience hours, proficiency in flying different aircraft types, and passing written and practical exams. The road to certification demands dedication, perseverance, and unwavering commitment, but for those who persevere, the rewards are boundless.

THE FINAL STEP: From Student to Professional Pilot

With their commercial pilot license in hand, aspiring aviators embark on the next phase of their journey: gaining experience and advancing their careers with Indigo. With Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme, IndiGo will recruit you as a Junior First Officer at the end of training. The letter of intent (LOI) issued by IndiGo after the selection process is their commitment to this project. 

The journey of becoming a commercial pilot is a saga of resilience, determination, and unwavering passion. From the humble beginnings of academic pursuit to the prestigious corridors of aviation excellence, each step is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to defy gravity and reach for the stars. Join Insight Aviation to take your flying journey high above the sky. As the wings of ambition carry us from computer numbers to IndiGo employee codes, let us remember that the sky is not the limit—it is the beginning of an extraordinary voyage.

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Q. What is a computer number for pilots?

A. Computer Number for pilots is a unique identification number assigned by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to the pilots in India.

Q. What documents are required for the DGCA computer number?

A. Following are the documents required for the DGCA computer number:- 10th & 12th passing certificate, 10th & 12th board verification certificate, proof of identity such as an Aadhar card, address proof, a passport-size photograph etc.

Q. How can I obtain a DGCA computer number?

A. By following the process of DGCA in filling out the application form on the Pariksha DGCA website, you can obtain a computer number.

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IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme – Training Fees, Eligibility & Duration

Indigo Cadet Pilot Programme - Training Fees, Eligibility & Duration

Step into the cockpit with IndiGo, India’s premier airline, as they soar to new heights with their Cadet Pilot Programme. To meet the ever-growing demand for skilled pilots, IndiGo has entrusted Insight Aviation with the task of honing the next generation of aviators.

The dynamic partnership between Insight Aviation and 43 Air School, South Africa’s elite Flight Training Organisation, crafted a tailor-made flight training program that’s not just compliant with DGCA standards but goes above and beyond, ensuring maximum efficiency without breaking the bank.

And where does this aviation adventure begin? None other than the bustling capital of India, New Delhi, where the skies are the limit for aspiring pilots. Here, cadets dive deep into 470 hours of immersive instruction led by seasoned experts in aviation. From mastering the fundamentals to navigating the complexities of operational know-how, every aspect is meticulously covered.

But it’s not just about hitting the books. Amidst the academic rigour, cadets are primed for the ultimate test: the DGCA examination, a milestone on their journey to the clouds. From classrooms to cockpits, Insight Aviation ensures a seamless experience, handling all administrative tasks with precision, leaving cadets free to focus on spreading their wings and taking flight.

Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme Eligibility Criteria:

●      AGE

Applicants must be at least 18 years old by the last date of application, with a maximum age limit of 32 years on the same date.


Candidates must have completed their 10+2 education with a minimum score of 51% or Grade Point 6 or Grade C1 (CBSE) individually in each subject- Physics, Mathematics, and English. Those with qualifications from foreign boards or universities must obtain an academic equivalency certificate from AIU (Association of Indian Universities) validating a minimum score of 51% in each subject. NIOS mark sheets and certificates are accepted, provided candidates score at least 51% in Mathematics, Physics, and English. (Applicants may apply based on provisional NIOS mark sheets but must submit the final/original NIOS mark sheet before signing the IndiGo Cadet Pilot Agreement.)


Candidates must be Indian nationals or Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) cardholders. OCI holders must obtain security clearance from the regulatory authority before commencing CPL Training to avoid delayed license issuance. Additionally, applicants must possess a valid passport and unrestricted right to live and work in India, with the ability to travel worldwide without restrictions.


Proficiency in English, both written and verbal, is mandatory.

●      MEDICAL

Applicants must hold a valid DGCA Class 1 medical certificate with no limitations. While candidates can apply with Class 2 Medicals, they must possess an Indian DGCA Class 1 Medical certificate while signing the IndiGo Cadet Pilot Program Agreement to prevent training delays or financial loss in case of rejection by the medical board later on. Additionally, a valid SACAA Class 1 medical certificate with no limitations is required before signing the IndiGo Cadet Pilot Agreement. Visible body piercings or tattoos are not permitted.

Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Program Duration:

Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme consists of four modules spanning 21 months.

Module 1 marks the initiation of your aviation journey, encompassing ground school and laying the foundational level. This module covers all the essential basics. Module 2 takes off in South Africa, where flying training begins, enabling you to acquire the practical skills necessary for piloting an aircraft. Module 3 involves license conversion in India. Lastly, Module 4 entails Type Rating on A320 aircraft. Now, let’s dive into the program in detail.

The modules of the IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme include the following:-

❖     Module 1

●      Phase 1: DGCA Ground School

➔   Total Days: 90
➔   Hours: 360
➔   Training Centre: Gurugram

The journey of aspiring cadets will commence in Phase 1, where they will learn ground-level training. This comprehensive training regimen encompasses 360 hours of Ground School, covering the following subjects:-

●      Air Navigation
●      Aviation Meteorology
●      Air Regulation

●      Phase 2: SACAA Ground School

➔   Total Days: 30
➔   Hours: 120
➔   Training Centre: Gurugram

In this phase of ground-level training, the cadets will study SACAA based curriculum for a total duration of 120 hours. Following are the subjects which will be covered:-

●      Flight Performance & Planning
●      Meteorology
●      Human Performance & Limitations
●      Aircraft Technical & General
●      Navigation
●      Radio Aids & Communication
●      Air Law
●      Instruments
●      General Radio
●      IROP

The CPL exams remain valid for 18 months from the enrollment date with SACAA, except for General Radio & IROP. The validity period of the Aeronautical Radio license aligns with that of the SACAA CPL.

❖     Module 2: Flying Training

➔   Total Duration: 11 Months
➔   Total Days: 322 Days*
➔   Training Centre: South Africa

In this Module, Cadets will continue their CPL Training journey at 43 Air School, where they will cultivate the essential skills to become commercial airline pilots. The cadets will be taught on different aircrafts such as:-

  1. Single Engine
    168 hours on Piper Cherokee, Piper Arrow, Cessna-172 aircraft.
  2. Multi-Engine
    15 hours on Piper Seneca aircraft.
  3. Flight Simulator
    46 hours on the Simulator (36 Hours on Single Engine and 10 hours on Multi-Engine Simulators).

❖     Module 3:- License Conversion

➔   Total Duration: 4 Months
➔   Training Centre:- India

In this Module, the cadets will return to India and take the DGCA flight exam to convert their South African CPL to Indian CPL. 17 Hours of Flight training including checks on CESSNA 172 SE aircraft for issuance of DGCA CPL SE IR.

❖     Module 4:- Type Rating

IndiGo and DGCA approved Airline Training Organisation (ATO)

Total Duration: (2 Months)

The A320-type rating training will adhere to the DGCA-approved Airbus training syllabus at a certified training centre. Upon completing the license skill test, cadets will be prepared for induction into IndiGo as Junior First Officers (JFOs).

Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme Fees:

The IndiGo Cadet Pilot Program fee is USD 127,500 (approximately 1 Crores 6 Lakhs). This training cost includes everything such as accommodation, food, transportation, medical insurance etc. Only food and accommodation during Module 1 and Module 4 is not included in the programme fees.

Start Your Flying Journey Now


Q. How many times can an individual attempt for the IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme?

A. An individual can attempt a maximum of two attempts per stage for Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme.

Q. What is the qualification for the IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme?

A. The minimum qualification for Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme is 10+2 education completion with a minimum score of 51%.

Q. What is the training period of IndiGo?

A. Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme has a duration of 21 months.

Q. How to get selected for Insight Aviation’s IndiGo Cadet Pilot Programme?

A. The selection process comprises a written examination covering Math, Physics, and English, followed by a psychometric evaluation. Subsequently, candidates participate in a Group Discussion or Group Task, culminating in an personal interview.

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What are the different types of Scholarships for Pilot Training in India?

What are the different types of Scholarships for Pilot Training in India

A pilot is meant to soar through the clouds, navigating high winds and turbulence with skill and precision. If you feel the call of the skies, you’re not alone – many share your passion for aviation. For many, flying an aircraft isn’t just a dream, it’s a burning passion – a desire to become a pilot. But the journey to becoming a skilled aviator can be expensive. This is where pilot training scholarships offer a magical lifeline for aspiring pilots to take flight.

In this blog, we’ll explore the different types of scholarships for pilot training available in India, how to get a scholarship for pilot training in India, and some very valuable tips to increase your chances of success.

Why Consider a Pilot Training Scholarship?

The cost of pilot training in India can be very costly. Pilot training scholarships can significantly reduce this financial burden, making pilot training more accessible. Scholarships can cover a variety of expenses, including:

  • Flight training hours
  • Ground school fees
  • Learning materials
  • Living expenses (in some cases)

Scholarships not only provide financial aid but can also open doors to prestigious flight schools and training programs.

Types of Scholarships for Pilot Training in India

There are various scholarships for pilot training offered by different organisations in India. Here’s a look at some of the most common ones:

  • Government Scholarships: The Government of India offers several scholarships for pilot training programs through organisations. These scholarships are typically merit-based and competitive.
  • State Government Scholarships: Some state governments in India also offer scholarships specifically for pilot training residents of their state.
  • Airline Scholarships: Airlines in India may offer scholarships to pilot training programs, with the expectation that scholarship recipients will join their airline upon graduation.
  • Minority Scholarships: There are scholarships available specifically for students from underrepresented aviation groups,  such as women and ethnic minorities.

Eligibility for Scholarships

While the specific criteria vary depending on the scholarship provider, some general requirements include:

  • Academic Qualifications: Strong academic performance is often a prerequisite, particularly in Science and Mathematics.
  • Medical Fitness: Aspiring pilots must pass a rigorous medical examination to ensure they meet the physical and mental demands of flying.
  • Flight Experience: Though not always mandatory, some scholarships might prefer candidates with prior flying hours.
  • Age Requirements: Most scholarships have a minimum age limit (typically 18 years) and sometimes a maximum age limit.
  • Passion and Commitment: Demonstrating a genuine passion for aviation and a strong work ethic is crucial.

The Scholarship Journey: From Research to Takeoff

Finding the right pilot training scholarship requires dedication and research. Here are some steps to guide you:

  1. Research and Start Early: Begin your search well in advance. Explore websites of government bodies, aviation organisations, airlines, and flight schools. Scholarship deadlines can be strict, so plan accordingly.
  2. Target Scholarships: Don’t apply everywhere. Focus on scholarships that align with your qualifications, career goals, and any specific requirements you may have.
  3. Meet the Requirements: Carefully review the eligibility criteria for each scholarship and ensure you meet them before applying.
  4. Craft a Compelling Application: A strong application package is beneficial. Prepare a well-written essay highlighting your passion for aviation, relevant achievements, and career aspirations.
  5. Seek Strong Recommendations: Letters of recommendation from instructors, mentors, or aviation professionals can strengthen your application.
  6. Prepare for Interviews: If a scholarship involves an interview, be prepared to answer questions about your aviation knowledge, goals, and motivation.

Taking Flight with Insight Aviation

At Insight Aviation, we understand the importance of making your pilot dreams a reality. We offer comprehensive pilot training programs designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful aviation career. We have partnered with IndiGo to ensure our training aligns with top industry requirements.

Contact Insight Aviation today to learn more about our training programs and explore opportunities that can help you soar towards your piloting goals.

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Q. Which documents are required to apply for an aviation scholarship?

The documents required to apply for pilot training scholarships in India can vary depending on the scholarship program. However, some commonly required documents include:

  • Completed application form
  • Academic transcripts (mark sheets)
  • Proof of identity (Aadhaar card, passport)
  • Medical certificate issued by a DGCA-approved medical examiner
  • Recommendation letters (from teachers, instructors, aviation professionals)
  • An essay or personal statement outlining your aviation goals and motivations

Q. What is the scholarship exam for a flying school?

Most pilot training schools in India don’t typically have a separate scholarship exam. However, some scholarship programs may have their written tests or assessments as part of the selection process.

The focus for most scholarships will be on your academic performance, medical fitness, and motivation for an aviation career.  Flight schools may have their entrance exams to assess your basic aptitude for pilot training.

Q. Can students apply for multiple aviation scholarships simultaneously?

Yes! Applying for multiple aviation scholarships is highly recommended to increase your chances of receiving financial aid. Many scholarships are available from various organisations, so cast a wide net and apply to as many relevant opportunities as possible. Just carefully manage deadlines and ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for each scholarship you apply for.